
Dale Tsang to premiere Quantum Entanglement, live & online

     I am exceptionally enthused about the premiere of this new work for piano in which the performer speaks the lines of a poem as the surrounding music seeks to illustrate it - a bit like a song without singing.  The poem Quantum Entanglement, by my dear friend and frequent collaborator Keller Cushing Freeman, is a what-might-have-been musing upon a relationship between two long-ago lovers and the mysterious thread of attachment that seems to persist in spite of many years and miles of separation and silence.     

     The performer is the wonderful San Fransisco pianist Dr. Dale Tsang, allied with the SF-based new music group Ensemble for These Times (E4TT).  Dale gave a marvelous first performance on February 22nd, and the second performance will be in San Francisco on Sunday, March 2, at 2:00 PM PDT - the YouTube link is here.  You need not watch it live if your schedule does not permit - you can watch this performance (or the previous one) by using the same link after the fact.  Last year, in another performance under the auspices of E4TT, Dale gave a terrific rendering of Fiddlins’, my sonata on Appalachian fiddle tunesYou can still listen to that performance here.  Thank You Dr. Tsang!

New songs and song cycles

issued by North Star Music

New works for flute and piano

issued by Alfred Music

Jon, And Still I Rise 1 copy.jpg

these are a few of my favorite things…