lead sheets
Simply drag the image file to your desktop and print. If you perform any of these, please acknowledge my authorship from the stage. Thank You.
Hidden Love - relatively gentle, mid-tempo, not-quite-latin groove. 4-6 players would be appropriate.
You Break Me Up - an F blues head that Edgewise has used as a break tune. Apologies for terrible pun.
Samba Hemiola - a samba with 3-beat melodic motives against a typical samba beat in 2.
Escalation - á la a typical swing standard, with a bass line & melody that first go up a scale and then down.
Palmetto Breeze - up-tempo latin with stop time in accompaniment during the head.
Jig fer John - a more-or-less typical jig, written for my colleague Leo Gilstrap, playing in a Celtic band.